Rule 29L of Mines Rules 1955
Medical standard of fitness for reasons to be employed in mines
1. The person should be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to
interfere with his efficient employment in a mine. Due allowance in the standard should be made for the
age of a candidate.
2. Locomotor system:
                                              The limbs should be well formed and developed and the function of all the limbs
should be within normal limits. Any deformity should be recorded. There should be no deformity or
paralysis, which may interfere with his efficient employment in a mine. Any deformity noted should be
3. Skin:
                                         There should be no evidence of extensive and chronic skin disease or ulceration.
4. (a) Distant vision of eye with or without glasses should be not less than the following standard :—
For workers employed For workers employed on surface and in below ground
opencast workings
1. Better eye . . . . . . . . 6/12 6/6
2. Worse eye . . . . . . . . 6/18 6/9
(b) Night blindness should be tested in special cases only in underground workers where
the examining authority considers it necessary.
(c) A person having only one eye which functions normally should not be employed
below ground. For employment on surface, the vision of such a person in the other
eye should be 6/12 with or without glasses. A person will be considered uniocular
when there is physical loss of one eye or when there is functional loss of vision of one
(d) Colour blindness will be tested only in special cases, where the job requires good
colour discrimination. Only low-grade colour perceptions will be tested with Edridge
Green’s lantern.
(e) There should not be squint where binocular vision is essential.
(f) There should not be any organic disease of the eyes which is likely to affect the
distant vision within a period of five years.
5. Hearing should be good. Any progressive disease effecting hearing should be recorded. The
candidate should be able to hear conversational voice from a distance of 3 metres.
6. Speech must be without serious impediments.
7. (a) Respiratory system should be sound and free from any chronic latyngeal bronchical
pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis of lungs if not active should not be a disqualification.
(b) A full sized postero-anterior chest radiograph (large enough to include thoracic inlet
and both costophrenic angles) obtained by an X-ray machine of at least 300 mA
strength shall be evaluated in the manner specified by the Chief Inspector and Lung
function tests (spirometry) to record forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory
volume in one second (EFVI) should be made and there should not be any evidence
of active pulmonary disease.
8. Circulatory system: 
                                                                   There should be no evidence of cardic or vesuclar disease which may
interfere with his efficient employment in a mine.
9. There should not be any evidence of disease of abdominal organs, which is likely to affect his
efficient discharge of duty in a mine.
10. In case the candidate has hernia he may be declared fit after he has been successfully
operated for the same.
11. Hydrocele if present should not be large enough to impede the normal activities of the
candidate. In such cases he may be declared fit after being successfully operated.
12. The nervous system should be sound. Persons with history of epilepsy or any other type of
organic or historical fits should not be declared fit for employment in a mine.
13. The medical examination should include examination of urine. Mere presence of albumin and
sugar in the urine without any gross organic disease producing signs and symptoms should not
be a disability.
14. Skiagram of the chest should also be obtained. If it is necessary the medical officer may direct
the candidate to obtain the result of special tests or/and the opinion of a specialist from
recognised institution/hospital.
Note: Candidates with colour Blindness are likely to be rejected by the employers.